As a new society, FoLS’s (at FIST) LSS (Life Science Society) would need to run a member registration week in order to let interested people from outside FoLS to join the society. For this to happen, we need to run a New Member Registration Week event. I am writing this as a proposal on how to go about doing the new Member Registration.
For the new member registration, I am suggesting that we split the task into 3 categories: promotion, registration, and follow through. Allow me to explain each part.
1. Promotion
Time of Start: Starting 2 weeks before actual registration.
Duration: 2 weeks.
Funds Required: 125 RM.
Manpower Required: 3 people/persons
For this phase, I’m suggesting we use the funds to get at least one large color printed banner to hang close to the place where we would be having the registration in 2 weeks. The color banner can cost anywhere from 50-100 RM depending on size and shop of purchase. I then propose we use the remaining funds to buy the following:
· A nice tablecloth. This will be used to cover the table on which we present. I do not consider this a wasteful investment, because the tablecloth can be used over and over for every year’s registration. It’s a onetime investment for the rest of the society’s life.
· Decoration stationary: we will need to make some good decorations and hang it up behind our table on the portable Velcro - backdrops that are given to us.
· Promotional Flyers: We can make flyers and photocopy them after approval to hang around the campus as a promotion.
From the university, we will need the following:
· A table
· A reserved spot for registration counter
· Portable Velcro – backdrops
A final part of promotion that is cost free is posting the message on the student bulletin board online, the LSS BlogSpot, and the LSS bulletin board.
2. Registration
Time of Start: Monday after promotion ends.
Duration: 1 week.
Funds Required: 10 RM
Manpower Required: 10 people
For this phase, we use the funds only to buy the receipts which we will pass on to people who register in the club. As pre-decided, a registration fee is RM 5. I am also suggesting that we allow newly registered members to order the LSS T-shirt if they want. For this event, I suggest we do not ask them to manually fill out paper forms, because understanding other people’s handwriting is difficult sometimes. This may sound like a moot point, but is sometimes necessary, especially when taking down emails. Therefore, I suggest that one (or more) of us bring a laptop along daily where we electronically register our members. We can also show the passing by people videos on our society this way to maybe entice them to register. Also, if we electronically register them then we don’t have go through the trouble of transferring all paper records into a computer after registration (a liability some clubs undergo).
The reason I suggest 10 people as manpower is to make sure we can have at least 2-3 at the stall at any given time from 9AM till 5PM on the registration week.
3. Follow Through
Time of Start: Within 1 week after Registration Stall closes.
Duration: N/A
Funds Required: None.
Manpower Required: 1 person
After registration, one person needs to email or inform all the newly registered members of the Annual General Meeting, or any interviews they need to attend. This would most likely be done electronically via email, backed up by SMS-ing.
· Registration would close after follow through until the next year of registration would come, whereby old members would have to renew their membership if they wish to stay, new people can register, and so on.
Total Time: 3 weeks.
Total Funds: 135 RM
Total Manpower: 10 people (promotion people can overlap into registration and follow through)
Prepared by Luqman Javed, 11 August 2008.