Monday, August 11, 2008

BBQ Gathering Night (by Jagedeswaran)

The ‘BBQ NITE’ is a grand event of LIFE SCIENCE SCOIETY to celebrate the effort made by the LSS members to form the club. The night will expect about 50 members to join. We will also have games, dancing and singing.

Budget breakdown
Chicken (2 piece each) = 100 pieces
= 9 whole chicken
= RM 108 (RM12 per chicken)
Marinating cost = RM 50
Cake = RM 60
Drinks = RM 70
Fruits = RM 30
Fried Rice/ Mi hoon = RM 100
Decorations of venue = RM 20
Games = RM 50
BBQ set, Charcoal and some kitchen wares = RM 50 (will be lesser if we can borrow from some of our friends)
TOTAL = RM 538
If each student can pay RM5 = 50 X RM5
= RM 250

Pls give me some idea on games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prepared by Jagedeswaran, 10 August 2008.

Let's suggest some interesting game!



Unknown said...

Could I know where do you want to hold this event to contain 50 members?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you may want to note that "9 whole chickens" may be troublesome in so much as if everyone is paying an equal amount of money for the event, then they should all be getting equally proportioned chicken pieces. I'm worried the first comers will get the good stuff, and it'll be cruel as hell to leave the last people with just some chicken wings on their plates which weighs less than the gravy.

also, your marinating will definitely easily shoot up past 50 RM for 9 RM. We had a BBQ with about 6 chickens and the marinating went to 80 RM and we never even did anything so fancy. Think about it, 9 chickens = 4-5 big bottles of mayonnaise, that alone pushes it past the 50 RM mark, and you need butter, honey, lime and so much more in the marinate mix.

i think its better (just proposing, not implying anything; don't shoot please =D) if we buy those um... packets that contain specific chicken pieces. drumsticks/thighs/breasts only. that way the rest of the bony stuff shouldn't be an issue.

also, i'd rather a bbq-salad over a bbq-cake. getting a good greek salad easily beats ordering a cake., and a bbq-salad fits the theme better.

again, humble opinion =D better run a grocery shop run before estimating the budget, im not sure how much it will be but i bet you anything it will easily be 100+ with just basic, untasty stuff =X. please don't open flame throwers on me.